Build, Buy And Sell On A Solid Legal Foundation
Serving A Wide Range Of Parties In Real Estate And Construction
Our clients include developers, owners, co-ops, condominiums, property managers, contractors, specialty subcontractors, architects, engineers, manufacturers, corporate entities and individuals involved in a construction project or real estate transaction — all in New York, New Jersey and beyond.
We understand that every client has unique needs. Our firm’s highest priority is to work with you to understand your interests and to provide prompt and sound legal counsel so that you can make informed decisions in your best interest. We advocate for our clients in litigation and arbitration to help you achieve the legal outcome you are seeking.
Work With An Experienced Lawyer Today
Founding attorney Marc H. Supcoff has 30 years of hands-on experience in litigation, mediation and arbitration. He is a member of the New York and New Jersey bar associations. In New York, Mr. Supcoff also sits on the state bar association’s Construction Law Committee.
To see how you can benefit from the services of an attorney who is also an AAA-trained mediator, call 212-235-1469 or contact us online. Located in Manhattan near Penn Station, our office serves clients throughout New York City, New Jersey (Hudson and Bergen Counties) and Long Island (Nassau County).
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